Friday, March 09, 2007

In Light of 1 Corinthians 7:32-32...

I recently pulled an old card out that a dear friend gave me, and a couple of other single girls a couple of years ago on Velntine's Day. It was a poem. Check it out:

The Unknown Man
Oh, unknown man, whose rib I am,
Why don't you come for me?
A lonely, homesick, rib I am
That would with others be.
I want to wed-there, now, 'tis said!
(I won't deny and fib)
I want my man to come at once
And claim his rib!

Some men have thought that I'd be theirs,
But only for a bit,
We found out soon it wouldn't do
We didn't seem to fit.
There's just one place, the only space
I'll fit (I will not fib).
I want that man to come at once
And claim his rib!

Oh, don't you some times feel a lack,
A new rib needed there?
It's I! Do come and get me soon before
I have gray hair.
Come get me dear! I'm homesick here!
! want (and I'll not fib).
I want my man to come at once and claim his rib.



The Resident Writer said...

I'm no man, your rib will not make me whole, but I do love to give you hugs around your ribs.

M said...
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M said...

LOL I love you my friend! What would I do without your therapeutic hugs?

Kate Alesso said...

That's a really cute poem.

wagamama said...

Rick Holland reads that poem in his dating series. :o)