Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Praise be to the One who Orchestrates all Things

Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 12:17:09 AM

(Tim & Norma are dear friends. Them two, along with another mutual friend were used to reconnect Alan & me. This was the email i sent her after our first date on 12/22/2007. Alan came to visit from 12/22-12/26)

Wow...I'm nodding my head in disbelief thinking can this really be happening to me right now? Thank you for praying, for your constant encouragement, and for reminding me to enjoy. With all that's been happening with Alan, it has made me think back on some words that a pastor once said about God. He said that when we wait on God to bring us a mate, and we don't try to help God by leaning on our own understanding, or putting ourselves in places to be seen, then He will bless us with a person that will make us say, "Lord, he or she is better than what I ever could have asked or thought!" When He blesses it's shockingly good and kind. I don't understand. But God knows our hearts so well.

(Norma's reply):

Chella... Our dear Cinderella :) How are you querida? Thanks for the pictures!! They look great and radiate JOY!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord for being the Master of Orchestrating. We are humbled to know that we were used as instruments in this beautiful story. We'll pray for you guys -- our God is awesome.



wagamama said...

O, la la. This sounds serious. :)

The Resident Writer said...

Me alegro qué estás disfrutando este tiempo.